Owning Your Money Mindset with Shelsey Jarvis of The Left-Brained Hippie

Today we have Shelsey Jarvis, intuitive money mindset coach for entrepreneurs. She helps entrepreneurs to make more money in their business by rewiring their money mindset. Through her group and 1:1 programs, she helps her clients to create the income they want in a way that feels freeing and satisfying.

Shelsey is a wife, mom of 2, and recently picked up and moved across the country to experience life in the mountains. This episode is all about the energetic shifts and massive transformations Shelsey has been through to making a sustainable 6 figure business that has allowed her to move across Canada and live her dream life. This is also an important episode as Shelsey was one of Sara’s coaches who guided her through her own money guck to finally start making 5 five figure months.

Here’s what Sara and Shelsey spoke about:

  • How she went from buskering on the streets of Montreal, barely being able to afford her groceries to creating a 6 figure business in just a few years
  • The mindset shifts she needed to make to create massive transformations in her life
  • The biggest tips she has for anyone wanting to rewrite their money stories and shift from a place of lack to a place of massive abundance

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Show notes: