How many unsubcribes is normal and what you should do about them

Here you are, trying to make a huge difference in the world by owning an online business. You want to help EVERYONE, but a lot of people have told you to define who you help, so you’ve narrowed it down.

You create this beautiful helpful offer that can really get your community to their next level of success.

You’re so excited about it every time you send an email or check how many new subscribers you have.

But hey wait...WAIT..NO….NOOOOOO….


Are you doing something wrong?

Should you stop talking about something so specific?

Why did they want you and like you and now all of a sudden they don’t anymore?

Is there something wrong with you, your business and your message?

Calm down. No really, it’s gonna be ok.

Have you ever heard of the saying not everyone is going to like you, you are not a jar of nutella?

I want you to ingrain that message into your head about your business.

Even when people think they like you, they might not care about your message anymore. They might just have everything they needed to learn from you.

And love, they are definitely not interested in buying from you.

The same goes with about at least 93% of the people who come into your email list.

93% of your email list will never buy from you.

What you need to make your sole mission in your business is focus on the 7% that will.

Focus on the people who are ready to take the next step, the people who want YOU, the people who are ready for YOU to help them create change.

The other 93% will always benefit, but you’ll start to see HUGE shifts in your business when you chose to only focus on the people who are paying the most attention.

And then those unsubscribe rates won’t even matter anymore.

Just let them go. The right people will always love you and are always ready to buy from you.

PS– Want to start bringing in the right people into your community, grow your list like crazy and finally get fully booked? Check out my Fully Booked in 30 Days Checklist here.

There you go, I hope you have as much fun with these as I usually do! Now tell me, did I leave anything out? What is your favourite way to stay high vibe?